The AS4SAN PhD and ECR training grant

Goal: The aim of the AS4SAN PhD and ECR training grant is to increase collaboration between Social and Affective Neuroscience labs within the Australasian region, and to increase knowledge of different social and affective neuroscience methodologies. The goal of the grant is for a PhD student or early career researcher (<2 years post-PhD) in the Australasian region to go to another lab in the Australasian region to learn a new technique and start a research collaboration with another lab.

Who is eligible? Australasian PhD students or early career researchers (less than 2 years post-PhD-graduation) who want to learn a new technique (that is essential for their research) in another lab in the Australasian region. The new technique has to be relevant for social and/or affective neuroscience research. For example, the technique can be fMRI (which is not only relevant for social and/or affective neuroscience) but you have to show how you are going to apply it in your own social and/or affective neuroscience research. The goal is to bring the new knowledge back to their own lab, and to strengthen collaborative social and affective neuroscience research within the Australasian region. It is essential that the candidate physically spends a certain amount at the other lab. Eligible candidates must have attended the 2017 AS4SAN conference in Melbourne or have registered for the 2018 AS4SAN conference in Brisbane or pay a $50 AS4SAN membership fee.

How much? The winner will receive AU$1000 which can be spent on travel, accommodation, and project costs.

Application: The application involves a (maximum) two-page cover letter (Times New Roman, 12-point font; minimum 1.5 cm margins) and a copy of your CV. Critical information that needs to be addressed in the cover letter includes:

1)      What is the technique that you are going to learn at the lab you plan to visit?

2)      Why is it this the best lab to learn the technique?

3)      How is the technique relevant for social and affective neuroscience research?

4)      Why is it essential for your research and your career that you physically go there to learn this technique?

5)      Why are you the perfect person to receive this grant?

6)      How will the grant increase collaboration between different labs in the Australasian region.

7)      How will you use the newly learnt technique in your research and how will it benefit the lab where you work?

8)      What will be the outcomes of you receiving this grant?

9)      If successful, how will the money be spent?

10)   Address the eligibility criteria.

Rules: The money needs to be spent before the 2019 AS4SAN conference. After the trip, the successful applicant needs to write a one-page report about the experience and outcomes which will be circulated through to AS4SAN newsletter to all AS4SAN members.

Application opens: 1st of March 2018.

Application closes: 31st of May 2018.

How to apply? Please send your CV and a one page cover letter to Please also include a signed statement from your supervisor and the PI of the lab you are planning to visit in which they confirm their support for your visit.

Application outcomes: The winner will be announced at the 2018 AS4SAN conference in Brisbane.